Course Information3551 ORCHESTRA I (9th Grade String Orchestra) Credit: 1 Unit Length of Course: 1 Year
String Orchestra is a class for 9th grade high school string students who are ready to study how to shift, vibrate, and play 2 octave scales. At least two years of string instruction is recommended. Students must be able to read music well, and understand and perform intermediate level skills on a string instrument. 3552 ORCHESTRA II (Concert Orchestra) Credit: 1 Unit Length of Course: 1 Year Concert Orchestra is a class for students who are ready to study three-octave scales and traditional orchestral music. Students may remain in the Concert Orchestra throughout high school or use it to prepare for the Chamber Orchestra. Students must be able to read music well, and comfortably perform two-octave scales, vibrato, Spiccato, and play in tune up to fifth position. A higher level of maturity and self-discipline is also required of students in this class. 3553 ORCHESTRA III (Chamber Orchestra) Credit: 1 Unit Length of Course: 1 Year Chamber Orchestra prepares students for college orchestra through intense rehearsal of difficult music. It is an ensemble for highly motivated students who have achieved considerable musical and technical skill on their instruments. To qualify students must be comfortable playing 3-octave scales, play in tune in all positions, and understand and perform advanced level skills. A high level of maturity and self-discipline is required of students in this class. Juniors and Seniors have the option to do extra work to earn honors credit in this course. 3553 ORCHESTRA IIIH – (Chamber Orchestra-Honors) Credit:1 Unit Length of Course: 1 Year Chamber Orchestra for Honors Credit has the same entrance and performance requirements as Orchestra III, plus the complete of following additional requirements. 1. Audition for Region Orchestra. 2. Audition and Participate completely in all District Orchestra sectionals, rehearsals and performances. 3. Perform in Region Orchestra, earn an Excellent or Superior rating at Solo and Ensemble performing appropriate level of music 4. Independently prepare and perform a solo (with or without accompaniment) for a community function. Video the performance, upload to school YouTube account, email Mr. Pagal the link for an evaluation. Performance rubric will be used for the evaluation. 5. Perform and Rehearse in POPS Orchestra 6. Attend 2 orchestra concerts outside of class and write a 2-page critique of each. Submit two by the end of each semester. |